Saturday, February 18, 2012

German to English Translation please?

how do you translate "soll das ein Kompliment sein?" from German?? and if it what i think it is, how do you say "Yes, I do think you look sexier with longer hair"... thank you very much!! no online translator please!! xDGerman to English Translation please?
"soll das ein Kompliment sein?" .... Should this be a compliment?

"Yes, I do think you look sexier with longer hair"... Ja, ich glaube, dass ich mit l盲ngerem Haar aufreizender aussehe.
Curious Cookie's answer is already quite good but I would change some things in the sentence "Nat眉rlich! Sie sehen doch voll sexy aus mit langen Haaren!".

I would suggest this: "Klar, du siehst ziemlich sexy aus mit langen Haaren!"

You shouldn't use "Sie" in this context because it seems that you already know him quite well, "du" is more appropriate in this case.German to English Translation please?
"Soll das ein Kompliment sein?" means "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

I would translate "Yes, I do think you look sexier with longer hair" as "Nat眉rlich! Sie sehen doch voll sexy aus mit langen Haaren!"
Totally agree with 'strng pns'!German to English Translation please?
It says "Would that be a compliment?" and sorry, I don't know how to say what you wanted in German.
the first one is "is that a compliment?" and the second one is "Ja, ich glaube, du siehst sexier mit l盲ngeren Haaren" pronounced "ya ish glaboo duh sist setxier mitlehn lang han ahg"

good luck

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