Saturday, February 18, 2012

Short german to english translation please?

i found this on a beer mug in my attic and i'm just curious as to what it says.

"bier u. frobes lied.

macht nielebens miid."Short german to english translation please?
I bet you got the spelling wrong -

Check the beer mug again and see whether it doesn't say:

Bier und frohes Lied

macht nie lebensm眉d

If that's the case then the sentence means:

Beer and a happy song will never make you tired of life. Or better: Beer and a happy song will prevent you from becoming suicidal.

(lebensm眉de means being depressive and tired of your life)Short german to english translation please?
Thanks as well!

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Short german to english translation please?
it probably says: Bier u. frohes Lied = Beer and a happy / gay song

makes (errrrr. nieleben is no german word, leben = life though, but I don't understand the s) das? Leben mild (yes, think is says mild, nicht miid) mellow
Encontre un vaso de cerveza en el Atico!

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading your posts regularly. I need to say that you are doing a fantastic job. Please keep up the great work.
    German to English Translation
