Saturday, February 18, 2012

German to English Translation?

"eines ihrer kida mir mein" i was sent this exactly this by a girl that likes me and than she logged off shortly after, what does it mean? and don't use no translator either, they don't know what some of the words mean.

I'm sorry if some of it may have a letter out but i was hoping that after a few years of german someone would knowGerman to English Translation?
there is not much actual information transported in that sentence...

i am guessing it could be meant to mean :

eines ihrer kinder hat mir mein,,, (the important thing is missing here... )

which would translate to:

one of her (unsure who this refers to) children did sthg to sthg. belonging to the person uttering this sentence...German to English Translation?
Ummm...maybe my German education is failing me, but that makes no's like, gibberish in German....

Eines = one

ihrer = a pronoun meaning "her or hers"

mir = me

mein = mine

I have NO idea what kida means...never seen it before...German to English Translation?
I think it means "one of my kida me"

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