Sunday, February 12, 2012

German to english translation. What is this?

My bf's dad got a jar of something, I think its honey-butter. I dont want to eat it until I know what it is though. Its called erlebnis-imkerei fruhtracht. Please help. Thanks.German to english translation. What is this?
Erlebnisimkerei Fr眉htracht? It's just the brand name of ordinary honey I'd say. The name translates "Event-beekeeping 'Early Bloom'", I have no idea how you say first harvest or the like in terms of getting honey from a beehive. But I'm sure it's just good German honey you shouldn't miss out on.

EDIT Sorry about that. Perhaps there was something else in that jar; I could only tell you what the label said.German to english translation. What is this?
Experience - Honey (Unknown word)

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