Thursday, February 2, 2012

German-English translation please?

Als George Rice und seine Mitarbeiter die Untersuchung von Hamer auf

einer solideren Datenbasis wiederholten, zeigte sich, da? die genetischen Marker keinerlei

Signifikanz aufwiesen. Rice und seine Mitarbeiter kamen zu dem Schlu?: ?Es ist unklar,

warum unsere Ergebnisse so anders als die Ergebnisse der Hamer-Studie sind. Da unsere

Studie gr??er- angelegt- war, h?tten wir einen genetischen Einflu? in der Gr??e, wie Hamer

sie beschrieb, finden müssen. Aber unsere Daten k?nnen das Vorhandensein eines Gens

XQ 28, das die sexuelle Orientierung nachhaltig beeinflussen würde, nicht stützenGerman-English translation please?
When George Rice and his staff members repeated the test of Hamer on a solid pool it came out that the genetic types didn't show any significance. Rice and his staff concluded: It isn't clear why our results are so different from the results of the Hamer- Studies. Because our study has been set up on a bigger scale we should have found a bigger genetic influence in the length as Hamer described it. But our data can't support the existence of a gene XQ 28 that would influence the sexual orientation for a long time.

My english might suck. Disregard that please.German-English translation please?
As George Rice and his coworker lead the investigation of Hamer up a more solid data base it repeated, showed up that the genetic markers did not exhibit any significance. Rice and his coworkers came to the conclusion: ?It is unclear, why our results differ from the results of the Hamer study are. There ours Study large putting on was, would have had to find we a genetic influence in the size, as Hamer described it. But our data know the presence of a gene XQ 28, which would affect sexual orientation effectively, do not support.German-English translation please?
When George Rice and his colleagues repeated Hamer's research with a more solid database it showed that the genetic markers showed no significance at all.

Rice and his co-workers came to the conclusion:" It is unclear why our results are so different from those of the Hamer study. Because our study had a wider base we should have found a genetic influence of the amount Hamer has described. But our data cannot support the existence of a gene called XQ208 that would lastingly effect sexual orientation

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