Sunday, February 12, 2012

German to English Translation???

Please translate the following text into English. (Hint: it has nothing to do with sex).

And I took some German, so I'm not a total idiot on the issue.

Eine interessante Seidelkomposition gewach sen aus der alten Tradition des Hauses Rastal in der Herstellung von erfolgreichen Seideln.

In seiner Form unverwechselbar ist dieses gelungene Stuck in dem sich auf uberzeugende Weise eine stolze Epoche-Berlins widerspiegelt. Ein Geschenk fur Sie und Ihre Freunde aus dem Hause

Danke, baby.German to English Translation???
Don't go with the automatic translations, they are useles. What the text means is this:

An interesting composition of a tankard, growing from the long tradition of the House of Rastal in producing successful tankards. (For tankard, you may prefer to use stein, whichever do you think suits your context best)

This beautiful piece with its distinctive shape does an excellent job of mirroring a proud era in Berlin history. A gift for you and your friends from the House (of Rastal, I think you ought to add).

Just let me warn you that the original German is, stylistically, rather awkward, so you may want to polish the English equivalent a bit.German to English Translation???
An interesting Seidelkomposition gewach sen from the old tradition of the house racing valley in the production of successful Seideln.

In its form this successful stucco is unmistakable into in uberzeugende way a proud of epoch Berlin reflects itself. A gift fur it and your friends from the houseGerman to English Translation???
Eine interessante Seidelkomposition gewachsen aus der alten Tradition des Hauses Rastal in der Herstellung von erfolgreichen Seideln. - An interesting pint-composition which is grown from an old tradition in prosperous pint production by the Rastal company.

In seiner Form unverwechselbar ist dieses gelungene St眉ck, in dem sich auf 眉berzeugende Weise eine stolze Epoche-Berlins widerspiegelt. - This well truned-out piece is distinctively in its form reflecting the glory era of Berlin.

Ein Geschenk f眉r Sie und Ihre Freunde aus dem Hause - A present to you and your friends by the house.

Hope this helps:))
go to

An interesting Seidelkomposition gewach sen from the old tradition of the house racing valley in the production of successful Seideln.

In its form this successful stucco is unmistakable into in convincing way a proud of epoch Berlin reflects itself. A gift for it and your friends from the house

Thanks, baby.

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