Friday, January 20, 2012

What is the proper German to English translation of "Also drueck Dich wie verrueckt"?

The translators lack the proper translation....What is the proper German to English translation of "Also drueck Dich wie verrueckt"?

On it's own it sounds like a farewell: "So, I'm hugging you like crazy." / "So, I'm giving you a good tight hug"What is the proper German to English translation of "Also drueck Dich wie verrueckt"?
The German-English dictionary I consider to be the best in the world is the Harrap-Oxford and I own the first volume, German A-E. I looked up "sich dr眉cken" in this large reference work and found:

sich dr眉cken: familiar: (of person) to slip away, to steal off, to make oneself scarce. On the basis of this definition, "Also dr眉ck dich wie verr眉ckt" might be rendered into English as "so make yourself scarce like one possessed", which is a little literary, or perhaps even:

So get to hell out of here!
So sneak out of here like the clappers!
So run like mad and make your escape!

A little context from the asker might help determine whether my take on the phrase has substance... but the phrase as it stands doesn't contain a personal pronoun subject such as "ich" (I), the verb "dr眉ck" doesn't have a final "e" (ich dr眉cke) to confirm the presence of a hidden "ich" and "dr眉ck dich" could well be the imperative singular of the reflexive verb "sich dr眉cken", which is why the "hugging" hypothesis isn't proven. My hypothesis isn't proven either, but nobody has argued why mine might not hold water. We all agree that some parting of the ways is involved. We disagree over whether the parting is friendly or hostile. Undomestic Goddess, more context please.What is the proper German to English translation of "Also drueck Dich wie verrueckt"?
wat ive gathered it means so pres you like crazy meaning so im hugging you like crazy. a basic type of action expressing affection to some one when phrased as it is :)
So, press your body like crazy

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